It has most definitely been a busy few weeks, here at Cheah Pets Central. I think May and June tend to be busy for most families with school-aged kids. So you moms know what I mean. But this May was exceptionally busy and exciting! Our beautiful girl, the eldest of the Cheah Pets kids received her First Holy Communion! The day was filled with lots of emotions, family, sunshine and, of course, prayer.

My absolute favourite part of the day was watching her receive Jesus for the first time. It was beautiful. Cheah Pets Dad and I were supposed to receive the Holy Eucharist at the same time as well, so that we could receive Jesus as a family, but I held back a second so I could watch T. (Hello rule breaker!) Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take photos during the Mass so I do not have any photos of our girl actually receiving Jesus for the first time. sad face. But we did get some photos before and after!
After Mass came the aftermath (see what I did there?). Just kidding, well, mostly. We celebrated T’s big day with family fun and a pool party. (Thanks Grandy and Grandpa Frank for letting us party in your pool!) It was the perfect, age appropriate family celebration. Cousins on both sides of the Cheah Pets family were able to join us, and even though the water was a little on the cool side, we had to pull most of the kids out when it was time to go. I honestly think T and D would stay in the pool forever if we didn’t drag them out. (Th, not so much, he’s pretty good at letting us know when he’s had enough.) And, of course, there was food. We kept it easy and kid-centred, so pizza, chips and juice -with “special” juice for the adults (well, duh, mommy needs her “special” juice sometimes, ok?)
Oh, a note about the pizza – it turns out that Pizza Pizza XL pizzas really are XL! I ordered WAY too much pizza. We had about 18 people there and we only ate 2 XL pizzas – I may have ordered 4, maybe. Ok, it was 5. We ate pizza leftovers for a week. I haven’t been able to look at another pie for a month!
We couldn’t have a First Holy Communion party without cake and cookies, could we? I’m sure many people could, but we couldn’t – themed cakes, cookies and cupcakes are kinda my jive. (Check out my instagram for more pictures of may cakes, cookies & cupcakes – @theoilybaker023).
Over all it was a hectic, emotional – yes, there were tears shed, and only a few were mine – wonderful day. We are so blessed to have T as our eldest and only daughter, and we pray that God, in His infinite wisdom, continue to bless our little girl and help us keep her pointed in the right direction – toward Him. God bless you, T!
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